sorry I've been MIA the last few months I've been working alot. started a full time job, and getting ready to open up a temporary to possible long term crochet web site for the stuff i make :) any ways just thought I'd stop by and say hi. HI! more news soon :)
its a blog about all the things i hold dear and all the things i have interest in. I have articals on crochet,kids,babys and all kinds of art i find interesting. Im a mom of 2 beautiful girls who have inspired alot of new things in me and have rekindled some long dormit passions.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
so i have an obsession...
i love pit bulls and I'm big on advocating for them. I don't care about their supossed "bad rap" they ARE good dogs and I LOVE them. So I was asked by one of my groups to take the challenge of sharing this video of pit bulls being "adora-bull" I hope you enjoy it and take the time to share it as well.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Care A Lot afghan- finished
"cool" pot holder
So we just moved in to a new place and I actually can bake now that I have an oven! yay me :) BUT now that I can bake I found myself in quite a problem... no way to take stuff out of the oven!So now I'm running through all my lists of sites trying to find something that goes with my style and here it is... a Knotted Circles pot holder/ hot pad yay for me :)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Care-a-lot baby afghan
Friday, April 8, 2011
It's Finally Done!
Luis's Army Afghan DONE
So the jacob's ladder army afghan is done and Luis has it on his bunk in Korea. He loves it so I'm happy :) He had alot of people comment on it so I'm thinking about making some more and send them that way but first I need to come in to some money! lol but any who here it is enjoy.
New Project: A Rainbow for Mom
wow its been a while...
Okay so it has been awhile since I posted anything so here is an up date... My computer crapped out on me and took a bit to get it up and running(for now). Had lots of things going on including getting my divorce papers turned in (mini victory) on a down note though with the threat of the government "shutting down" I wont get a court date for a bit. And with many friends in the military I'm feeling a little pissed about them not getting paid for their service. Especially one friend in particular because her husband leaves in a few weeks to go to Afghanistan leaving her and their daughter behind to fend for themselves b/c he wont be getting paid! Also on the note of Japan its heart breaking and wish there was more we could do for all those people displaced by the disasters that are plaguing them at the moment. But carrying on with the main reason for my blogging is my crocheting... much projects have come to an end and one has just begun the long journey to completion...
Friday, January 7, 2011
here's some much needed info...
As you may know I love my pets and animals in general as I make posts from time to time showing off things Ive made them, he he, but I'm also a big pit bull fan which may drive more than a few people nuts seeing how I have two small children, But in this article at the link posted (the title) you can read a very interesting blog post on dog attacks that happened in 2010. All of which have been broken down to explain the breed, the age of the victim, and the circumstances of why and how such things came to be. Also that being said if you still think I'm a horrid mother for having this breed know this: Ive had the dog since she was 3m old (Iwas 6m prego at the time) trained her myself and introduced my children properly to my dog. Ive also not only taught my dog but my kids as well. They know not to go around any animal while its eating/ drinking, not to mess with an animal while it sleeps and to be gentle while playing with an animal with adult supervision. Even my youngest who's 1 knows these rules and its never to early to introduce your child to a pet as long as you teach them and keep teaching them. If you still think I'm horrid well then you're just ignorant...
Sunday, January 2, 2011
I'mma little elf
I wanted to make something with my new Xmas yarn stash but didn't know what and well I found this cute little pattern for a 10 inch thick scarf (which is a little much for Florida) Well I changed alot of things about it and turned it into an elven hooded scarf and its my fave thing to wear! best thing about it is I can wear it all year if I wanted! light weight and breathable yet warm enough for a cold day.
Yes unicorn! I was a very bored girl this evening and decided to wip up an new pet for me and the hubby. I wish I wrote down the pattern as I went but I didnt :( but I will be wipping up another for my dog so I will be wrighting it down soon and I'll be posting it the pattern. Until then enjoy the cute picture of "chowder the majestic" yes the cat is named chowder :) <3>
Yes unicorn! I was a very bored girl this evening and decided to wip up an new pet for me and the hubby. I wish I wrote down the pattern as I went but I didnt :( but I will be wipping up another for my dog so I will be wrighting it down soon and I'll be posting it the pattern. Until then enjoy the cute picture of "chowder the majestic" yes the cat is named chowder :) <3>
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