Friday, January 7, 2011

here's some much needed info...

As you may know I love my pets and animals in general as I make posts from time to time showing off things Ive made them, he he, but I'm also a big pit bull fan which may drive more than a few people nuts seeing how I have two small children, But in this article at the link posted (the title) you can read a very interesting blog post on dog attacks that happened in 2010. All of which have been broken down to explain the breed, the age of the victim, and the circumstances of why and how such things came to be. Also that being said if you still think I'm a horrid mother for having this breed know this: Ive had the dog since she was 3m old (Iwas 6m prego at the time) trained her myself and introduced my children properly to my dog. Ive also not only taught my dog but my kids as well. They know not to go around any animal while its eating/ drinking, not to mess with an animal while it sleeps and to be gentle while playing with an animal with adult supervision. Even my youngest who's 1 knows these rules and its never to early to introduce your child to a pet as long as you teach them and keep teaching them. If you still think I'm horrid well then you're just ignorant...

1 comment:

  1. Awesomeness! :) It's all about how the animal is treated by people! I also believe that is both the dog and child are taught how to act with each other there will never be any problems! I miss my mutt! :(
